Source code for sacc.covariance

from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
import scipy.linalg
import numpy as np

from .utils import invert_spd_matrix

[docs]class BaseCovariance: """ The abstract base class for covariances in different forms. These are not currently designed to be modified after creation. The three concrete subclasses that are created are: FullCovariance - for dense matrices BlockDiagonalCovariance - for block diagonal matrices (those in which some sub-blocks are dense but without correlation between the blocks DiagonalCovariance - a covariance where the elements are uncorrelated Attributes ---------- cov_type: string The type of the covariance (class variable) """ _covariance_classes = {} def __init__(self): """Abstract superclass constructor. All the subclasses need _dense and _dense_inverse forms. """ self._dense = None self._dense_inverse = None # This method gets called whenever a subclass is # defined. The keyword argument in the class definition # (e.g. cov_type='full' below is passed to this class method) @classmethod def __init_subclass__(cls, cov_type): cls._covariance_classes[cov_type] = cls cls.cov_type = cov_type
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdu(cls, hdu): """ Make a covariance object from an astropy FITS HDU object. The type of the covariance is determined from a keyword in the HDU, and then the corresponding subclass from_hdu method is called. Parameters ---------- hdu: astropy.fits.ImageHDU instance An HDU object with covariance info in it Returns ------- instance: BaseCovariance A covariance instance """ subclass_name = hdu.header['saccclss'] subclass = cls._covariance_classes[subclass_name] return subclass.from_hdu(hdu)
[docs] @classmethod def make(cls, cov): """Make an appropriate covariance object from the matrix info itself. You can pass in a list of covariance blocks for a block-diagonal, covariance a 1D array for a diagonal covariance, or a full matrix. A different subclass is returned for each of these cases. Parameters ---------- cov: list[array] or array If a list, the total length of all the arrays in it should equal n. If an array, it should be either 1D of length n or 2D of shape (n x n). n: int length of the data vector to which this covariance applies """ if isinstance(cov, list): s = 0 for block in cov: block = np.atleast_2d(block) if (block.ndim != 2) or (block.shape[0] != block.shape[1]): raise ValueError("Covariance block has wrong size " f"or shape {block.shape}") s += block.shape[0] return BlockDiagonalCovariance(cov) else: cov = np.array(cov).squeeze() if cov.ndim == 0: return DiagonalCovariance(np.atleast_1d(cov)) if cov.ndim == 1: return DiagonalCovariance(cov) if (cov.ndim != 2) or (cov.shape[0] != cov.shape[1]): raise ValueError("Covariance is not a 2D square matrix " f"- shape: {cov.shape}") return FullCovariance(cov)
@property def dense(self): """ A dense matrix form of the covariance Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- covmat: 2D array Numpy array of dense form of matrix """ if self._dense is None: self._dense = self._get_dense() return self._dense @property def inverse(self): """A dense matrix form of the inverse of the covariance matrix Returns ------- invC: array Inverse covariance """ if self._dense_inverse is None: self._dense_inverse = self._get_dense_inverse() return self._dense_inverse
[docs]class FullCovariance(BaseCovariance, cov_type='full'): """ A covariance subclass representing a full matrix with correlations anywhere. Represented as an n x n matrix. Attributes ---------- size: int the length of the corresponding data vector covmat: 2D array The matrix itself, of shape (size x size) """ def __init__(self, covmat): self.covmat = np.atleast_2d(covmat) self.size = self.covmat.shape[0] super().__init__()
[docs] def to_hdu(self): """ Make an astropy FITS HDU object with this covariance in it. This is represented as an image. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- hdu: astropy.fits.ImageHDU instance HDU that can be used to reconstruct the object. """ hdu = fits.ImageHDU(self.covmat) hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'covariance' hdu.header['SACCTYPE'] = 'cov' hdu.header['SACCCLSS'] = self.cov_type hdu.header['SIZE'] = self.size return hdu
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdu(cls, hdu): """ Load a covariance object from the data in the HDU Parameters ---------- hdu: astropy.fits.ImageHDU instance Returns ------- cov: FullCovariance Loaded covariance object """ C = return cls(C)
[docs] def keeping_indices(self, indices): """ Return a new instance with only the specified indices retained. Parameters ---------- indices: array or list Either an array or list of integer indices, or a boolean array of the same size (1D) as the matrix. Specifies rows/cols to keep in the new matrix. Returns ------- cov: FullCovariance A covariance with only the corresponding data points remaining """ C = self.covmat[indices][:, indices] return self.__class__(C)
[docs] def get_block(self, indices): """Read a (not necessarily contiguous) sublock of the matrix Parameters ---------- indices: array An array of integer indices Returns ------- block: array a 2D array of the relevant sub-block of the matrix """ return self.covmat[indices][:, indices]
def _get_dense_inverse(self): return invert_spd_matrix(self.covmat) def _get_dense(self): # Internal method to get a dense form of the matrix. # Use the property Covariance.dense instead of calling this # directly. return self.covmat.copy()
[docs]class BlockDiagonalCovariance(BaseCovariance, cov_type='block'): """A covariance subclass representing block diagonal covariances Block diagonal covariances have sub-blocks that are full dense matrices, but without correlations between the blocks. This feature can be taken advantage of when doing matrix operations like multiplication or inversion. Parameters ---------- blocks: list[arrays] list of sub-blocks of the matrix block_sizes: list[int] list of sizes n of each the n x n sub-blocks size: int overall total size of the matrix """ def __init__(self, blocks): """Create a BlockDiagonalCovariance object from a list of blocks Parameters ---------- blocks: sequence of arrays List or other sequence of the sub-matrices """ self.blocks = [np.atleast_2d(B) for B in blocks] self.block_sizes = [len(B) for B in self.blocks] self.size = sum(self.block_sizes) super().__init__()
[docs] def to_hdu(self): """Write a FITS HDU from the data, ready to be saved. The data in the HDU is stored as a single 1 x size image, and the header contains the information needed to reconstruct it. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- hdu: astropy.fits.ImageHDU object HDU containing data and metadata """ hdu = fits.ImageHDU(np.concatenate([b.flatten() for b in self.blocks])) = 'covariance' hdu.header['sacctype'] = 'cov' hdu.header['saccclss'] = self.cov_type hdu.header['size'] = self.size hdu.header['blocks'] = len(self.blocks) for i, s in enumerate(self.block_sizes): hdu.header[f'size_{i}'] = s return hdu
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdu(cls, hdu): """Read a covariance object from a loaded FITS HDU. Parameters ---------- hdu: FITS HDU object as read in by astropy. Returns ------- cov: BlockDiagonalCovariance Loaded covariance object """ n = hdu.header['blocks'] block_sizes = [hdu.header[f'size_{i}'] for i in range(n)] s = 0 blocks = [] for b in block_sizes: B =[s:s + b**2].reshape((b, b)) s += b**2 blocks.append(B) return cls(blocks)
[docs] def get_block(self, indices): """Read a (not necessarily contiguous) sublock of the matrix Parameters ---------- indices: array An array of integer indices, which must be in ascending order Returns ------- cov: array A full (dense) 2x2 array of the submatrix. """ indices = np.array(indices) if np.any(np.diff(indices)) < 0: raise ValueError("Indices passed to " "BlockDiagonalCovariance.get_block " "must be in ascending order") s = 0 sub_blocks = [] for block, sz in zip(self.blocks, self.block_sizes): e = s + sz m = indices[(indices >= s) & (indices < e)] - s sub_blocks.append(block[m][:, m]) s += sz return scipy.linalg.block_diag(*sub_blocks)
[docs] def keeping_indices(self, indices): """ Return a new instance with only the specified elements retained. This method will try to return another BlockDiagonalCovariance if it can, but otherwise will revert to a full one: if the mask passed in is of a boolean type or if it is integers in it can remain block diagonal Parameters ---------- indices: array or list Either an array or list of integer indices, or a boolean array of the same size (1D) as the matrix. Specifies rows/cols to keep in the new matrix. Returns ------- cov: FullCovariance or BlockDiagonalCovariance A covariance with only the corresponding data points remaining """ indices = np.array(indices) if indices.dtype == bool: breaks = np.cumsum(self.block_sizes)[:-1] block_masks = np.split(indices, breaks) blocks = [self.blocks[i][m][:, m] for i, m in enumerate(block_masks)] return self.__class__(blocks) elif (np.diff(indices) > 0).all(): s = 0 sub_blocks = [] for block, sz in zip(self.blocks, self.block_sizes): e = s + sz m = indices[(indices >= s) & (indices < e)] - s sub_blocks.append(block[m][:, m]) s += sz return self.__class__(sub_blocks) else: C = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*self.blocks) C = C[indices][:, indices] return FullCovariance(C)
def _get_dense_inverse(self): # Invert all the blocks individually and then # connect them all together return scipy.linalg.block_diag(*[invert_spd_matrix(B) for B in self.blocks]) def _get_dense(self): # Internal method to get a dense form of the matrix. # Use the property Covariance.dense instead of calling this # directly. return scipy.linalg.block_diag(*self.blocks)
[docs]class DiagonalCovariance(BaseCovariance, cov_type='diagonal'): """A covariance subclass representing covariances that are purely diagonal. Parameters ---------- size: int The size of the matrix diag: array The diagonal terms in the covariance (i.e. the variances) """ def __init__(self, variances): """ Create a DiagonalCovariance object from the variances of the data points. Parameters ---------- variances: array 2D array of variances of the data points. """ self.diag = np.atleast_1d(variances) self.size = len(self.diag) super().__init__()
[docs] def to_hdu(self): """ Make an astropy FITS HDU object with this covariance in it. In this can a binary table HDU is created. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- hdu: astropy.fits.BinTableHDU instance HDU that can be used to reconstruct the object. """ table = Table(names=['variance'], data=[self.diag]) hdu = fits.table_to_hdu(table) = 'covariance' hdu.header['sacctype'] = 'cov' hdu.header['saccclss'] = self.cov_type return hdu
[docs] def keeping_indices(self, indices): """ Return a new DiagonalCovariance with only the specified indices retained. Parameters ---------- indices: array or list Either an array or list of integer indices, or a boolean array of the same size (1D) as the matrix. Specifies rows/cols to keep in the new matrix. Returns ------- cov: DiagonalCovariance A covariance with only the corresponding data points remaining """ D = self.diag[indices] return self.__class__(D)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdu(cls, hdu): """ Load a covariance object from the data in the HDU Parameters ---------- hdu: astropy.fits.BinTableHDU instance Returns ------- cov: DiagonalCovariance Loaded covariance object """ D =['variance'] return cls(D)
[docs] def get_block(self, indices): """Read a (not necessarily contiguous) sublock of the matrix Parameters ---------- indices: array An array of integer indices, which should be in ascending order (for consistency with the block diagonal interface) Returns ------- cov: array A full (dense) 2x2 array of the submatrix. """ return np.diag(self.diag[indices])
def _get_dense_inverse(self): # Trivial inverse return np.diag(1.0/self.diag) def _get_dense(self): # Internal method to get a dense form of the matrix. # Use the property Covariance.dense instead of calling this # directly. return np.diag(self.diag)
def concatenate_covariances(*covariances): # If all the covariances are diagonal then the concatenated # version can be diagonal if all(isinstance(cov, DiagonalCovariance) for cov in covariances): variances = np.concatenate([cov.diag for cov in covariances]) return DiagonalCovariance(variances) # Otherwise we have to get things in a common form, and # make a block-diagonal covariance. blocks = [] # For each of the pieces we extract any blocks # that will go into the concatenation for cov in covariances: # For an existing block-diagonal covariance # we retain the block structure if isinstance(cov, BlockDiagonalCovariance): blocks += cov.blocks # For everything else we just use a dense matrix else: blocks.append(cov.dense) return BlockDiagonalCovariance(blocks)